Issue #1,130 | Inside the Business of CAD | 23 May 2022
Guest editorial by Dave Edwards
From the Editor
The era of CAD-Is-Amazing is over.
Today’s CAD/MCAD/BIM programs are based on concepts from the 1980s. Change is necessary, as today’s hardware and software capabilities allow for better approaches. CAD is, unfortunately, so integrated into our workflows that change isn’t possible.
Attempts to create new CAD paradigms typically fail, either during development (the aim is too high, the funding too low), or due to lack of interest from the market, which finds itself comfortable with the status quo.
We see snippets of modernity like drawings auto-generated from models, despite the forward-thinkers insisting 2D is dead. The dream of digital twins of horrifically complex projects like skyscrapers is perhaps unattainable.
Let us attend what Dave Edwards has to say to the new crop of BIM vendors described in upFront.eZine #1,128, The Second Wave of BrowserCADs.
For quite a while I’ve been wondering why there aren’t more BIM applications competing in the market. BIM is just 3D graphics combined with the ability to import and export data. Couldn’t any 3D graphics program have data added to its objects, and have the facility to export it out, and call it “BIM”? There may be much more to it than that, and perhaps that’s why some of the other players seem to not be making a dent.
You could add constraints or groupings to any 3D graphics program to form “architectural objects.” Walls could be created from flat planes; they could be moved as one; trimmed, deleted, and all the other functions needed to create floor plans. Door objects could be designed that cut into walls and walls that would heal when doors are moved or deleted. But is it enough?
It has been always interesting to me that Autodesk bought Revit when they already had a long-standing 3D architectural application in AutoCAD Architecture. After years of thinking about it, it occurs to me that the freeform nature of general CAD systems is not well-suited as BIM applications. There is an inherent coordination of objects that BIM applications take into account.
Is the latest crop of new BIM applications going to miss this and just stop too soon?
“There’s a Hole on the Bottom of the Sea*”
There are a lot of 3D applications with which you could create 3D models, cut floor plans, create sections, do renderings, and even create fantastic piles of data. Is there something that makes the Big Names different? And why are developers, who are taking old technology and trying to turn them into BIM, not succeeding? Relationships!
Relationships come in several very different fronts. These are not just 3D objects, but ones that will someday, hopefully, be built into breathing buildings. I’ve advocated this before: there must be a coordinated effort for 3D objects, and the materials they’re composed of, to have relationships to real-world parameters.
Is this wall brick? Great! What type of brick? How much does it weigh? How strong is it? What’s its thermal gain? Where to find this information — from the manufacturer? Or should there be a central organization dedicated to providing building material parameters? Just asking!
This is broken-record territory. For this to succeed, there must be open-source file formats for building data exchange. ’Nuf said!
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Why can’t we just slap data on a CAD(D) application and called it “BIM”? Here’s a better question to ask yourself: Why is Revit building a relational database? Unlike just putting lines on a layer and a sheet, building data has many relationships:
Grid lines on levels
Walls on grids lines
Rooms defined by walls
Doors and windows embedded into walls
Components attached to walls
If I move a level, everything on that level moves. If I move a wall, the doors and windows move.
These relationships can cause BIM to be overly complicated and error-prone, but is that the fault of the concept, or the application and/or UX [user experience] developer?
I Hope, I Hope, I Hope
I hope they don’t miss this. To understand most software, you have to understand it at a conceptual and not just a functional level. The young BIM guns may get the sizzle, but will they get the steak? This is really not hard once you understand some of the core designs that must be put into place. I fear if they miss this, they’ll fail. We shall see!
I hope these musings will help users understand the decisions they need to make, and that developers take a hard look before just jumping in.
[Dave Edwards has been a manager, developer, consultant, speaker, and author for almost 40 years in the CAD/BIM industry.]
[Reprinted with permission from PragArchDesignTech at]
And in Other News
Here are some of the posts that appeared recently on my WorldCAD Access blog:
Travelogue: Spatial’s 3D Insider’s Summit conference 2022
Charity: Practical help for Ukraine
Travel tip: I found an international debit card
You can subscribe to the WorldCAD Access blog’s RSS feed through Feed Burner at
Letters to the Editor
Re: The Second Wave of BrowserCADs
I’m surprised at such little mention of Rhino in your article. We are fabricators of architectural products and for the last few years, 19 out of 20 projects have been sent to us as Rhino files, and half of the ones that weren’t were originally Rhino and imported into Revit.
Rhino seems to us to have become the default standard for 3D modeling in architecture.
- B. K.
The editor replies: The article was specific to new CAD programs that run in Web browsers, introducing them to readers, especially to CAD industry executives who subscribe to upFront.eZine. As you stated, programs like Rhino, Grasshopper, SketchUp, and so on are very popular among architects.
Re: upFront.eZine’s Last Donation Drive
I am of similar vintage, only about three years ahead of you. I know how you feel. I want to thank you for your years of providing a quality newsletter.
- Phillip Rutledge
The editor replies: It is interesting how it just happens one day. Same for my neighbour, who used to drive a concrete truck: He woke up one morning and said, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’
For those who may have missed it, I wrote in the donation-drive email:
May 1 is the 27th anniversary of upFront.eZine, and at over one thousand issues, it the longest running newsletter in the history of CAD [written by a single editor]. This fall, it comes to a close.
There is a time, I have found among people of my gray-haired age, when you realize, “I just don’t want to do this anymore.” I’ve been semi-retired for a year now, and so decided to end the newsletter on the 37th anniversary of me getting into the CAD writing biz — mid-September, 1985.
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#justdontwanttodothisanymore. Sir! I totally feel what you have just expressed. I too hit this road block many years ago with CAD and stopped draughting, but I have stayed informed and still dabble a bit using trial software and keep up in the BIM space.
Thank you for your years of credible information.
- Robert D
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Even though i am no longer directly active in the cad/bim business as you know, i still read eZine with great pleasure. Compliment how you are able to stay up-to-date with new developments, that is hard work. You are very welcome to retire.
- Gijs Willem Sloof
Notable Quotable
“It is not your soul which makes you human, but your ability to choose a square containing a traffic light.”
- Management Speak @managerspeak
Thank You, Readers
Thank you to readers who donate towards the operation of upFront.eZine:
David Wheeler Short: “Congratulations on your upcoming retirement and a great long run! Thanks!”
Plessey Mathews: “Thank you Ralph for all issues of upFront.eZine that you created and shared, and I enjoyed for these 18 of the 27 years. May your retirement be filled with unexpected newness in all things.”
Robert Shingler: “Just read your latest email and sorry to hear you’re stopping. Good luck in your retirement, I have enjoyed your newsletters and blogs over the years and wish you well for the future.”
Stephen Warrick: “Thanks for ‘How to make Eudora 7 work with Gmail servers’.”
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